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Powering a house with these panels

First, not all roofs have the correct angle of inclination or orientation to take advantage of sun’s energy. The panels should be positioned at a particular angle that is close to the area’s latitude. This is necessary to maximize the amount of energy absorbed.

The modules should not be shaded. Therefore, it should not be installed adjacent to nearby buildings or trees. The shading effects the absorption of light energy. For instance, the chimney casts a shadow across your roof during particular times of the day. It will considerably diminish energy production of your system. Regarding the arrangement of cells, power generation can be considerably reduced. The panels should be positioned on a south facing roof. This can be south-west or south-east.

Solar Power Setup
You will require batteries. However, this can add to the cost but are needed if you want to rely on solar only. The batteries need a charge controller also known as trickle charger or battery charger. Your batteries will live longer if they are not drained or overcharged too much.
Diagram showing all you need

The panels generate direct current (DC) electricity. However, most appliances you have at home use alternating current (AC). You need a device to convert DC to AC. Therefore, a device known as the inverter is used. These devices also give you the opportunity to control how your solar system works. Nowadays, some PV modules are manufactured with an inbuilt inverter into each module. This eliminates the need for a larger inverter and simplifies wiring issues.

Although sunlight is free, the power generated by the panels may not be free. You will be required to pay installation costs and purchase hardware needed for the system. Overally, it is advantageous in the long-run. Energy from the sun is constant and consistent and can be used in remote locations.
Look out for our next piece where we will be sharing more on wiring and Solar Power. Read, Learn and Share.

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