" Fuel Prices To Rise Once Again - Relemech

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Fuel Prices To Rise Once Again

The Kenya Pipeline Company(KPC) has made proposals in which they seek to adjust, upwards, their transport and storage rates. This can only translate to one thing; Fuel prices are about to go up once again.

MEP Designs Kenya

The adjustments will see the cost of fuel go up by about 54 Percent. The proposed reviews have recently been subjected to public participation conjunction with the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority.  These tarrifs are the costs incurred by the state corporation to pump various petroleum products from their storage facilities

In a notice published by EPRA, various destinations will attract their respective charges . The marketers will in turn transfer the costs to consumers hence the increase in fuel prices. The KPC will use the extra income to offset  the costs it used to upgrade it's pipelines and storage facilities.

Are you ready for the hike?

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